Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!

This week was fantastic!
Christmas was a real treat being able to see my family!

On Christmas, we were able to help old Sister Curley build a porch roof, and we took presents around to families and kids who didn't have anything. Also we were fed 2 giant meals by members. So it was a great day. After 3 months of being away from home, it is AWESOME being able to see your family again. It's great to be able to write letters and emails, but nothing beats talking with them face to face.

We are working really hard on finding new people lately, and we have found some great new investigators. Some of the people we have been teaching have slacked off and we have dropped a few for now, so we need new people to teach!
We went and knocked on one door, and the family sat inside and said "seriously? mom, the Mormons are here, don't answer the door." And proceeded to use some great language and descriptions about us, while we stood there and laughed.
That was just a mild excerpt of the week.

So transfers have come and gone! Elder Livermont, the other elder in the Window Rock ward, is leaving! It's sad to see him go, he really grew on me! But I am lucky and I get to stay here in Fort for another transfer! Elder Gwilliam, my companion, is on his last transfer here! So after 6 weeks, he is going home! Crazy! It's weird to see people going home, when I have 21 months to go! Makes you miss your family and friends a little bit.

Anyway, have a good week everyone, and think a little more about Christ.
Happy New Year!

-Elder Hilton
Note From Mom: 
We got to Skype with Elder H for nearly 2 hours!!!  It was SO WONDERFUL to see him, hear him, laugh and cry with him!  You should hear him speak's pretty dang rad!!!  He has been working hard and makes us so proud of him!  Being a Missionary is super hard for many reasons.  Seeing our son and brother out there doing really difficult things and learning to overcome all kinds of obstacles is pretty tough, BUT THE BLESSINGS ARE REAL!  We see the blessings in him!  We all know how awesome this young man is, right?  He is even MORE awesome now.  His testimony, faith, fervor, focus, and energy, are all on fire!  He is alive in Christ, and it shows like never before! 
We are so very proud of you, Elder Hilton!

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