Monday, November 4, 2013


Ya' at' eeh!

Monday, we climbed into some old Navajo ruins, using a HUGE ladder. Mom, if you knew how dangerous the ladder was you would kill me for climbing it. Usually I am a wimp about that stuff but I was the first one up, I had to see the caves! The base of the sandstone where the ladder was placed was sloped and crumbling so the other elders had to hold it in place! I'll send photos!

Yesterday I went to a real indian Powwow! They had tribal dancers, feathers, jewelry, beads, turquoise, drums, the whole deal! Vendors sold Indian garb on the side, people ate blood sausage, it was intense! The drummers pounded away in unison and they sang in their awesome native yodeling style. They even did the thing where they yell out loud and put their hand over their mouth over and over. It was CRAZY! Everyone was up and dancing.
There was an article in the NY Times about missionaries on the Rez last week, and I  met the photographer and author of the article at the Powwow! So crazy!

I bought a bunch of Navajo jewelry for family and friends!  

The rest of the week, we really focused on our investigators. We decided we only have about 5 who are actually making progress or have serious potential. So we made it a goal to be consistent with them and work on them as much as possible.

We were dropped by 3 of them this week.

It has been really rough.
This week we are going to focus on finding new investigators, and on strengthening the less active members of the ward. I hope it goes more smoothly.

FIRST BAPTISM THIS WEEK! Skye was baptized on Saturday! She is such a sweet girl, and I am so proud of her. She has pulled her family back together, and helped to reactivate her mother. She has this energetic spirit and is so awesome. With such a hard week, it was really rewarding to see her happy smiling face, and the faces of her whole family together at the font.

We confirmed her today and then had a huge dinner at her house to celebrate!
To everyone:

We have a Savior. If we ever get caught up in life, struggles, or find ourselves at church as a chore, GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES.

Pray to your God, who is so EXCITED to help you and lift you up. Truth is on your knees. Only through sincere, honest prayer, do we find our answers. Anyone can tell us what to do or what to believe in. But without prayer, we will never KNOW for ourselves of truth. Pray for strength from your Savior, Jesus Christ. He died for you. He bled great drops of blood for you.

He allowed Himself to be crucified in your name.

And He did this all because He loves you.

Open up your bible and read about His life. Read about what He did for you. Anyone who claims to be Christian but has not read the New Testament, and studied His life, trying to apply His word, is not what they say. Read the Book of Mormon. It is another strength to you as it witnesses in His name.
I promise you, you will feel the love and support of Jesus Christ. You will overcome ANY temptation, sorrow, or struggle. He loves you.

We will be with God again in heaven. With our amazing families. And with our Savior Jesus Christ. What a glorious day that will be.
I love you all so much. I miss you all so much.
I am so happy to be here as His servant, helping the people of Fort Defiance in any way I can.
This is the hardest, most discouraging, exhausting, most lonely thing I have ever done.
But it is the best thing I have ever done.
Your prayers are all so needed, and I thank you all for them. I pray for friends and family every day!

Love you all so much.
Diyin nihil holo doo.
God be with you.
Looking down from cliff of ancient ruin cave
Built into the side of a sheer cliff way back in a hidden gully
Inside cave

Hello!  Who gets to do this!!?!!
View ancient inhabitants enjoyed form their cliff cave! 

Elder Livermont and I   

Typical Navajo front yard with goats

Skye! She draws us pictures all the time, and grabs our arms and drags us around to show us stuff. She gave me a card today that said "thank you for being my missionary. I am so happy to learn new things. you teach me a lot. I love you". and it had a penny attached to it because I taught her tithing :)

This is Elder Lloyd and I with all of Natasha's children. Skye, the oldest, was baptized! Their last name is Foster so we call them the Foster Children, haha! Halloween Party!
Shelly (on the left with the rad eyes) and Rainie (zombie face) Bennett!
They are awesome! I love the Bennett family so much! Their son, Thomas Bennett passed away while on his mission in August. They are so spiritual, and his death brought their family back together. Brother Bennett got his priesthood restored, and Shelly has been reactivated! They are my Navajo family :)))
Just frolicking with some friendly neighborhood horses!

The font!  Built right into the floor of the building!


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